UnitekFiber supplies SC type fiber optic connector. The housing of the connector is rectangular in shape, and the pin and coupling sleeve are identical in size to the FC type. The end faces of the pins are mostly PC or APC type grinding methods.
The fastening method is plug-and-pull type, which does not need to be rotated. Such connectors are inexpensive, easy to insert and remove, have small fluctuations in insertion loss, high compressive strength, and high installation density.
lLow insertion loss and back reflection loss
lFerrule end surface pre-domed
lPrecision anti-rotation key and corrosion resistant body
lTelcordia style boots
lFree-floating ceramic ferrule
lFiber Optic Telecommunications
lFTTH (Fiber To The Home)
lData Processing Networks
lTelecom Equipment
lLocal Area Networks