The 25G SFP28 optical module is a small plug-in for optical fiber communication, supporting a data transmission rate of 25Gbps. The following are several common 25G SFP28 optical module types:
SR optical module: short range optical module, supports multimode fiber, and the maximum transmission distance is 100m.
LR optical module: long range optical module, supports single mode fiber, and the maximum transmission distance is 10km or more.
ER optical module: extended range optical module, supports single mode fiber, and the maximum transmission distance is 40km or more.
The 25G SFP28 optical module has many technical advantages over other transmission modes. First, it uses high-speed SerDes technology, which can provide higher transmission rates and more stable performance.
Secondly, the 25G SFP28 optical module adopts a single power supply design, which is compatible with other types of SFP28 plug-in. This makes its application more flexible in a multi-device environment.
In addition, the 25G SFP28 optical module adopts DDM (Digital Diagnostic Monitoring) technology, which can effectively monitor the signal quality, and diagnose and deal with problems in time.
Finally, due to the small design and low power consumption of the 25G SFP28 optical module, it can be widely used in various application scenarios such as data centers and remote communications, providing users with high-speed and stable data transmission services.Unitekfiber can provider you with high quality SFP, SFP+ SFP28, QSFP+, QSFP28, XFP, etc.. in